All costumes sets does not come with accessories . $50
will be added to the cost of the costumes for every
accessories added on to the sets.
We can also tailor our performance according to the event's
theme, requirements and specifications e.g. Family Day, Ceremonies,
Festivals; etc....
Shows for big events/functions will be open to negotiations.
Pls contact us for the details.
Ismail (Dikir
Barat Shows/Instructors/Rental
of Costumes/Rental
of Percussion)
Hp: +6596477551 , si_liam79@hotmail.com
Kabir (Kompang)
Hp: +6591450665, tazbir_08@msn.com
Hafeez (Kompang)
Hp: +6596584412, hafeez_jenggo@hotmail.com
Please take note that we do not entertain any smses
pertaining the services we provide above. We hope that
customers will contact us directly through the mentioned
mobile phone numbers or email addresses that we have provided.
Thank you.
more information on our Instructor services, click
here for a brief overview of our Dikir Barat Orientation
and Programme for Beginners.
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